
Friday, May 10, 2013

Ten Steps to Confidence at Work

  1. Stay focused on the task.
  2. Build on your strengths:  identify and captalize on them by working them into whatever you do.
  3. Work on reducing for eliminating your weakenesses.
  4. Believe in yourself Say three affirmations before going to bed.  Tell yourself three things that you like about yourself or three things that went well during the day.
  5. Keep track of your daily accomplishments.  Begin a "kudos" file and regulary review it for a reality check of your talents adn a personal pat on the back.
  6. Know that your confidence will be threatened at times.  Accept it.  If you on the end of a mean comment that shakes your confidence give yourself 24-48 hours before responding or making any important decisions.
  7. Ask pepole that you respect what they think are your greatest srengths.  Then find ways to use them.  Ask them what they have seen you do that they would like to see you do more?  Sometimes others see more talent than you recognize in yourself.
  8. Challenge yourself.  Find projects and assignments that give you an opportunity to use your strengths and take on projects that stretch you.  Try something new, even if you are afraid.  Take baby seps and try to refrain from judging yourself too early in teh procss, or comparing your performance to someone who has been doing the activity for a much longer period than you.
  9. Be a role model of positive attitude.  Be reesilient.  Find solutions.  Workers are drawn to those who have an upbeat attitude, especially when challenges emerge and it can start with you.
  10. Carefully consider how to react to your bossand colleagues actions.   This is very important.  Elevate your emotional radar use the "levity lense".  Try parenting up w/o patronizing under these circumstances.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Decisions that were made...

It really isn't as difficult as I've been making it.  It's probably quite simple.  Unfortunately, I have so much "stuff" attached to it, I'm created a burden where there need not be one.  I'm creating a problem where none exists.  I'm causing myself a great deal of  upset for no reason. There is really no reason to fight or argue about it; to explain or to demand an explanation.  I'm clear about it.

I didn't like what happened.  It did not honor me.  It was a violation of my boundarires.  It was not in keeping with the agreement I made or agreement they made with me.  What is happening or has happened is not my choice, nor is it of my making.  So it's really very simple!  Stop looking and asking for an explanation.  Stop demanding that people do what they have already demonstrated an unwillingness or inability to do.  Accept what has happened and decide what to do about it.  One I make a decision as my grandmother would say I will be clear and I can move on.  The indecision is what causes so much confusion
Allow my decison to honor me.  Just right now accept what I know and feel to be right for me without trying to convince others it must be right for them.