It is already mid-July and this is my very first post. I gotten side track with the summer programs on TV after work and just chilling. Time to refocus. As I rethink what's been going on in my life; I'm recalling that I've been more focused, direct and deliberate with working on entreprenial experience. And that is what has taken me away from my professional blogging. My office, mine personally often times ends up being a hub where people come to find out all kinds of information i.e. feed back on a presentation, the whereabouts of the boss, his mood, fashion questions and often timescareer advice. You name it and people come talk to me about it. I'm in an attempt to explode the myth that I am "just an admin" because in most cases I am truly the hub they are looking for.
I have some of the most endearing connections and what is good about it is that I like bring people together. It's kind of a key in lock theory. It's not always about who you are, but aout what or who you know. And I know some people. I see taking on the role of the hub as one of the most valuable people in an organization. I network with others in the business community, not because I have a piece of business to give them at that moment, but I might in the future or I might refere someone who will give them that piece of valuable information or business. I love it.
I have countless individuals that stop by on a daily basis just for me to give them a read on a personal or professional scenario. I appreciate their confidence in my insight. From where I sit, I can see things from a very different and non-judgmental empowering position. In most meetings, I'm meeting new people and making connections which is what networking is all about.
Today, I had a CIO tell me that he is looking for a new adminstratve assistant and so I'm on the look out talking to other people that I know in the area that mayknow someone looking for a job or even a change.
I have a few leads and I'm going to send them his way. That connection will be a good one if I send him a good take charge individual. I'll let you know how that works out in one of my next blogs in the months to follow.