When you have an intact, healthy sense of worth you value other people. You realize that people are different. You understand that people see things and interpret things in different ways and there is nothing wrong with that. You do not compare yourself to them, nor do you feel the need to compete with them. You know who you are which means you can accept others as they are.
So many any people don't know or haven't learned this. When you do have a healthy or intact sense of worthy, you feel the need to win every argument. You feel the need to always prove your point. You are threatened by difference. You need agreement with your views, your values and opinions in order to feel supported and acknowledged. Since you do have enough of your own worth to draw upon, you will set out to destroy the worth of those who you believe are opposing you. This is very sad an you should really seek some professional assistance.
Should you ever find yourself on the attack, realize that you are experiencing a sense of less than or not as good as. When you find yourself tearing down someone else in order to prove your point, realize that you have lost your footing. Disagreement is no the same as an attack. When you call someone out, when you criticize their physical being, their talents or gifts or efforts, believing that their inability too agree with you someone how makes you wrong, realize that you have lost it. You have lost your sens of worth.