
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Don't be angry

You don't have to be angry because you were not recognized or acknowledged as a child.  No matter how hard you tried or how well you did, no one noticed  It may have seemed as if those who were a little better, a little bigger got all the attention.  It is really o.k.  You can handle it.


Self-inquiry is the process of discovering what it is within you that is hurt by what goes on around you.  A self-inquiry is a healing process.  Self-inquiry puts you in touch with vital information about yourself which you have ignored, denied or may not be aware of.

The third question in our self-inquiry is the memory that is the source of this feeling/  In other words, when was the first time I felt this way? If you take a deep breath and call for the truth of your being, this will be the Bingo response!  This is the question that will remind you of who it was that first made you feel this feeling.  How this situation reminds you of that situation.  Armed with this information, your healing is imminent.  

When you remember the first time you felt this way, you must pray! You must forgive yourself for all beliefs, judgments, decisions, choices and agreements that have caused me to be attached to pain, hurt, sham, anger, guilt, disappointment and any other toxic emotions.

Take time to heal your mind, heart of soul of things which are no longer relevant to so that you can move forward!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Greatest Potential

If you really want to live your life to the fullest and realize your greatest potential, you must be willing to run the risk of making some people mad. Whenever you move beyond someone's opinion of you, they get upset because you thought more of yourself than they thought of you.  If you want to know just how much you can do, how far you can reach, how much you can stretch, you must be willing to leave some people behind. 

You must be willing to do more, be more and have more than those in your present company have.  And they are going to get angry.  This does not mean you should compare yourself to them.  Nor does it mean you are showing off.  It means that you must be willing to step out on  your own, try life for yourself and claim your divine inheritance with out guilt.  It is yours to have, so claim it. 

You must be willing to live without the opinions of other people.  And how we live listening to them.. Just stop already.  That means you don't ask for opinions.   And when they are offered, you need not accept them.  In order to find your identity, your authenticity and a true sense of wholeness, you must develop your individuality from the wealth of information that comes from within.  

Stay tuned for more on how I realized that I can't wear everything in my closet.

Fresh Hot Coffee

Monday, March 6, 2017

Stop Judging

If you are looking at someone and observing their actions, trying to understand their motives without a clue about why they do what they do.   You just think that certain people should know better they should be doing better.  The truth is that every time you should someone you make a judgment.  This means the wrong that you attribute to them actually belongs to you.

Based upon what you may or may not know you make a judgment.  You think that you are superior and that you have the right to determine what must be done, and how it must be done.  A judgment is a means of control.  You are trying to get people to do what you want or need so that you can feel better about yourself.  It is really a sign of fear. It is the discontent that you feel within. 

We each have our own set of lessons to learn and we take a different path to our lessons.  Become accepting of yourself and others.  Just let others be who they are and you be who you are.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Successful Women Rising

Most Successful women have joined the 5 am club or they just rise 1 hour before their normal rising time to do the following on a consistent basis.

1.       Scribing – The power of journaling  getting their thoughts out on paper.

2.       Silence – Sit in silence for 5-15 minutes daily. Don't eat, slip, just breathe.

3.       Affirmations – Give yourself a pep talk each day.  Say who you are or who you hope to become.

4.       Visualization – Create a vision board for the year and break it down in quarters.  (4)

5.       Exercise – Do yoga, walk and or stretch

6.       Reading – Choose some a book of the month.  Read 12 books in a year.  Looking for my book list coming out in the next few days.
Fresh Hot Coffee

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Lights, Camera, Accessories.......

Brrrrrrrrrrr!  It's cold outside and when I'm dressing for work it is my goal to stay warm and look professional.  One way to do that is to have my accessories ready to grab and go.  I've sorted my scarfs by color and size for easy access. I keep two pair of tights in each color ready wear and I don't have to really think about it. Below are the items that are a must have in the winter months to make  a great work outfit and to keep you warm too!

1. Leggings or tights in brown, black, grey and blue, 2. A third piece, a vest, scarf or sweater, AND  3. Boots (last season I said riding boots, but this year I going to go with just boots.  And remember there is no sparkle overload.  Just sparkle, layering on the arm party.

2.  Animal print and calf hair is everywhere and jewel tones are fun too:  Ruby, Emerald and my favorite is Teal.  Fun, fun, fun. .

Now, let's talk about the scarfs:  I'm sharing 6 ways to wear them below.

1. The European Knot - Around the neck.
2. Hat around the neck and tuck into your coat.
3. Hang loose - possible knot in the front.
4. Loose around the neck with a vest.
5. Over a dress as a wrap because of the air on your shoulders
6. Through a belt. 

My scarfs are not itchy, baby blanket soft and not heavy.  Layer these items on to give you the creative edge you need to make a classy wardrobe statement everyday.

Fresh Hot Coffee