
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Greatest Potential

If you really want to live your life to the fullest and realize your greatest potential, you must be willing to run the risk of making some people mad. Whenever you move beyond someone's opinion of you, they get upset because you thought more of yourself than they thought of you.  If you want to know just how much you can do, how far you can reach, how much you can stretch, you must be willing to leave some people behind. 

You must be willing to do more, be more and have more than those in your present company have.  And they are going to get angry.  This does not mean you should compare yourself to them.  Nor does it mean you are showing off.  It means that you must be willing to step out on  your own, try life for yourself and claim your divine inheritance with out guilt.  It is yours to have, so claim it. 

You must be willing to live without the opinions of other people.  And how we live listening to them.. Just stop already.  That means you don't ask for opinions.   And when they are offered, you need not accept them.  In order to find your identity, your authenticity and a true sense of wholeness, you must develop your individuality from the wealth of information that comes from within.  

Stay tuned for more on how I realized that I can't wear everything in my closet.

Fresh Hot Coffee