
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Email Management

Did you know you email is controlling you?  Here are a few tips so that you can control your email.
  1. Why cc or bc- it just give you more replies and increases the email traffic.  Only do it if necessary.
  2. How many emails are in your in box - 100 many people have 300-500 email.  This is psychologically destroying you.  It is like having 1000 physical sheets of paper all over your desk. Now you wouldn't think of doing that would you?
  3. Stop responding to email when it comes in.  A lot of people use email for procrastination.  Decide to respond to email 2 or 3 times in the morning and again in the afternoon (time trap) shut down the alert or even close the email.
  4. Do no check your email in the evening or on weekends.  Enjoy the evening and weekend.
  5. Don't send partial emails just to get back to people.  Use the draft feature, save and send later.
  6. When emails turn into a back and forth discussions (time trap) just pick the phone.
  7. Use subject titles to people using black berries/iphones.  Use EOM - End of Message, NTN -No Thanks need, NTR- No reply needed.
  8. People give you 5-7 seconds to say what is necessary in your email.  State the purpose of the email right up front.  Use lots of white space because it is easier on the eye. Stop the on going saga......
  9. Begin to coach everyone on minimizing the number of emails coming through.  This is a great coaching opportunity. Go see them face to face.
  10. Last but not least set up email folders. 
If you will only use three of the above referenced tips you will begin to eliminate waisting time and control your email rather than it controlling you.  Then you will have more time to work on your negotiations skills to ask that big fat raise you want or maybe just the corner office.

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